Hi, I'm

Bart Kuipers

Web dev / back-of-the-front-end / eCommerce


A selection of the projects I've worked on

Marketing website


Brand experience & marketing website

eCommerce platform


Product experience site & eCommerce platform

Ecommerce platform


eCommerce platform for personalized coffee subscriptions

Touchtribe pattern
Marketing website


Marketing website for Touchtribe to generate leads

Webflight website project
Marketing website


Marketing website for Webflight to generate leads


Some thoughts on front end and related topics.

Seo headless CMS

SEO en headless CMS: Zo vermijd je de valkuilen

11 February 2021

Wanneer je overweegt over te stappen naar een Headless CMS vraag je...

About me

TLDR: Former marketeer turned front end developer from Utrecht, the Netherlands

I’m a native Utrechter with a love of languages and making stuff. Having studied in English, interned in Argentina, and finding love from Finland has left me with excellent English, passable Spanish and frankly laughable Finnish skills. It also taught me that I love to be surrounded by people from varying backgrounds, which I’ve so far been able to do during my international studies and work experiences.

I’m happiest - both personally and professionally - when I’m creating things. That used to mean campaigns and copy, and now I develop apps and websites.

Contact me

Looking for a developer to join your project?

© Designed and coded by Bart Kuipers in 2021